Do you believe in fortune tellers? I was a little skeptical.

Let me share this story with you. I heard of a fortune teller in Yucaipa, California. I drove 3 hours to get there and waited 4 hours in line in my car. I forgot to bring snacks. LOL

The lady’s name was Ms. Kellerman. When it was my turn, I entered her very modest house. When I entered her living room, I felt something coming over me. I can’t explain it in words…..maybe I can….it felt spiritual.

She was sitting at a round table…there was not a crystal ball. She asked me to sit down. To tell you the truth I was a little bit nervous.

She said I am happy to spend time with you…. And she asked me if I could give her my hands. They were trembling. She grabbed my fingers so tight that they were turning blue. Then she closed her eyes and looked down…I said to myself, “Here goes.”

I was about to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly. She moved her head forward and opened her eyes. “I wanted to to let you know that I don’t know you and have not met you before.” She told me I was funny and that my brother was very serious. Now I am looking around the room asking myself, “How does she know that?”

“You are very close to your mother and she is so proud of you. You were not close to your father. He is no longer with us.” I felt a chill all over. My teeth were chattering. All this time she never let go of my hands.

“You help people….you heal their souls…and you will do this all of your life. Even when it is time to go, your messages will live on.”

When she was done I grabbed her hands and kissed them. All of a sudden, from nowhere, she started to cry. She said this is a hard reading. So I grabbed from my wallet to pay her. Ms. Kellerman put her hand up. “I don’t want your money… and I want you to know that you can come visit me anytime you want.”

I walked slowly back to my car and sat there for quite a long time before I drove back to Los Angeles. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a huge line behind me.

I thought to myself, “They don’t have any idea what is going to happen to them.” Now…do you now believe in fortune tellers?

