My show was ….so different I didn’t know how people would like it. It became so popular that some stations ran it twice a day.
Then the mail kept pouring in….bags and bags of letters. Most of them just wanted to tell me they liked my show and then some would want me to help them with their weight problems.
As I told you in yesterday’s message I began the show with a skit. For the time the show was on I played 150 different characters. Once we decided on what the skit would be about Nancy Simmons created what I was going to look like.
I was an angel dressed with huge white wings on roller skates. I rolled around the supermarket and if the people were buying fattening items I would take them out of their cart and put the back. Some people didn’t find this funny…others laughed so much.
I dressed as Sergeant Simmons. I would roam in the parking lot and I would stop cars and have them roll down their windows. Quite a few of these people were eating while driving and I would write them a ticket. I was lucky no one ran me over.
Then there was Bucko… A child who overate all the time. I sat in a high chair and screamed and yelled about feeding me.
Then there was the Cowboy dressed all in white. I rode a white horse named Yogurt. This horse knew that I was scared. Every time I would talk to the camera he would turn around out of frame and walk away with me on his back.
Then his owner would walk me back into frame. I think I did that skit over 100 times. I had never ridden a horse before and this horse knew it.
Another time I dressed as a sugar cube. It was not a comfortable outfit. I had to walk up these black shiny stairs and plop myself into a cup of coffee. Then when I fell in the cup all this coffee spilled out.
I loved playing Reverend Pounds. I stood behind a pulpit with a stained glass window in the back. I talked about the evils of certain foods. I wore a white wig, white tuxedo, holding a pair of white gloves with a holy book in my hand. It wasn’t really a holy book …it was actually a dictionary.
On a few shows I played Rona Barrett the gossip columnist. I don’t think she ever saw it . Who knows maybe she did not have a sense of humor.
Let me tell you about Bud. He was an overweight man that was grumpy. He would try to bring back items that he bought…there was nothing actually wrong with them. I drove the salesperson out of her mind and she finally gave me a refund.
To be continued…