Sweatin to the oldies 1 was playing on a big television set in their living room. A few of them asked me to join them to work out.

I had never worked out to one of my videos. Remember when I taped it I was going to the left. But on the screen I was doing the movements on the right. They all started laughing and asked me if there was something wrong with me. I got back in the car and thought to myself, “I never had so much fun working out.”

Then, it was off to Pittsburgh where I made an appearance at a kidney dialysis center. There were 10 men and women sitting in maroon recliners having their treatment. These recliners were cracked and held together by duct tape. I sat in front of them and worked out a little. What a devastating disease.

Again, in Florida, I was asked to meet 5 women who were going through bone marrow transplants. I had to wear a white plastic outfit that looked like I was an astronaut. I wore white booties and a plastic helmet and all you could see were my eyes.

The room had to be completely sterile. I went from bed to bed and said hello. I would not touch them and they were very pale and weak.

All over the country I did warm ups for marathons to raise money for different charities. During desert storm I went to Camp Pendelton in San Diego to workout the wives of men who were fighting for our country. They all wore t-shirts with the names of their husbands printed on the front.

One last story that I hope will make you smile. I visited the Veterans hospital located in Westwood California. I went from floor to floor to say hello to everybody. One gentleman was lying in bed and they had to amputate his right arm. When I approached he screamed out…”Hey you are that workout guy. My daughter loves you.”

There was one more gentleman to see. He did not see very well. I went to say hello. “Hey Miss you’re cute. I wonder if you can lean over and give me a little kiss on my cheek?” I bent over and did what he asked.

How lucky am I to meet so many incredible people?

