Things I’ve Signed, part 2

I met a pregnant woman in line waiting for me to sign my book. She lifted up her blouse and asked me to sign her belly… I said no. Then she asked me if I would sign a few diapers. …I don’t sign diapers. I don’t want my signature around poop. An older man was […]

Things I’ve Signed

Over the decades I have signed many, many things…and items. I don’t know how I sitll have a left hand lol. When I opened my studio I designed quite a few t shirts. One said Go to Health…another had the word sweat and underneath was the word sweat in six different languages. Another said I […]


My name is Bobby Champion. I am the proud father of six girls. If you are a father, or you know a father, or you act like a father…. Happy Father’s Day!


I’m Rosemary. Would you like to meet my baby?

I Hope….

I have many wonderful individuals in my life. I am so blessed. I hope you have amazing people who care about you. Because… you are amazing.

Things I Don’t Understand, part 5

I don’t understand cheap people. And I know a lot of them. lol. I know some people have to be frugal with their money. I know rich people who hate to leave gratuity. When I was a waiter…tips changed my life. I bought a car with my tips it was a a used Camaro. Gray […]

Promise Me

Promise me… promise me….that you will never try to hurt yourself. Remember how amazing you are. And you have a wonderful life ahead of you.

Things I Don’t Understand, part 4

I do not understand Alzheimer’s and Dementia. I have done some research and I have watched several tv programs about these subjects. I have a friend whose father moved in with him. One day my friend left the front door open. His father walked out and they found him two days later sitting on a […]

Unauthorized Products

It has come to my attention that there are several products out there with my likeness and voice that have not been authorized by me. I am asking you to not purchase these products. The money goes into the pockets of greedy individuals. Shame on these people. I grieve for thieves.