I had to wear special shoes. They were from a company called Stride Rite. They were brown and very generic looking. They were so uncomfortable. They had an orthotic built in. When I took my shoes and socks off they left red indentations on the bottom of my feet I couldn’t wait to get into bed. And to think ….I had to put those shoes back on again. I didn’t have sneakers just the Stride Rite shoes.

When I came to Los Angeles, I went to an orthopedic doctor. He told me my feet were not in good shape. He took white gauze that was soaked in a white clay. He would wrap it around my flat feet and wait for it to dry.

In 30 minutes, the clay dried and he removed them to make orthotics. The orthotics at first were very stiff and made with a hard plastic. I had a few pair made for different shoes. Every six months I would have to go back and have new orthotics made because my feet were not getting any better.

Anytime I read about a new orthotic, I would be first in line. I am wearing orthotics as I write this. To this day my feet still hurt. I did all my videos and all of my teaching with orthotics. Matter of fact I can’t walk a minute without the orthotics.

I don’t tell you this for you to feel sorry for me. As you know, there are people with more challenges than I have. I just figured out you have to work with what God gave you.

