He was born one day before Halloween…20 months before I came bouncing out. I called him BaBa but his real name is Lenny. He was so cute my parents entered him in a beautiful baby contest. He won and received an elaborate baby book and a camera! Lenny was not affectionate. But that did not stop me! I would hug on him. He was so smart in school…if there was a higher grade than A he would have gotten it. I thought F was for fabulous. Now Lenny had a rule. You could not touch the food on his plate. I would do it just for spite and Lenny would move his chair and his plate. Lenny’s number was called for the Vietnam war and off he went. I was devastated! He came back a little more serious, and really never wanted to talk about his time there. When he came back he worked for the government for decades. He met a lady name Cathy and they married. I was his best man. I cried so much Cathy had to give me her handkerchief. They are now retired and dedicate their time an organization named Kiwanis. So my brother and I ended up doing the same thing…helping people. Say hi to your siblings for me.

