I have some news to tell you. Please don’t be sad. I am ….dying. Oh I can see your faces now. The truth is we all are dying. Every day we live we are getting closer to our death.

Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest every single day. Get up in the morning and look at the sky… count your blessings and enjoy. 

Start with a healthy breakfast. Do you like oatmeal…. Whole wheat toast ..eggs once or twice a week Fresh fruit or half of an English muffin?

Then there is lunch. How about a nice salad? Don’t eat your dinner too late. Combine your protein with a starch and a few vegetables. And sure, once in a while, have dessert. One healthy day of eating will lead to the next…and the next.

Every day that you are alive you have got to move. Whether it is standing or sitting you have got move your body every day. Start with stretching then cardio and strength.

I have a lot of workout videos on YouTube that you can use. Or maybe you have some videos at home. And before you go to bed do a little stretching. Stretch your neck. Your shoulders….and your arms…and dont forget your legs. Do some circles with your ankles. Point and flex your feet and I promise that you will have a better night’s sleep.

There is something else very important that you must do. Tell the ones that you love that you love them. Hug those people and children who you really care for. A big hug really goes a long way.

If you have time I want you to listen to a terrific song. It is by Tim McGraw it is called Live Like You Were Dying. Live today and don’t forget to pray.

