I take pride in myself for being loyal…..sometimes to a fault. I was very loyal to my family even though I didn’t agree with everything that they said… I was loyal.
I was loyal to my friends. We may have had a few disagreements…but at the end of the day I had their back.
I am loyal to the four important women in my life. Two of these ladies have been with me over 25 years…and the other two have been with me over 35 to 40 years. Wait…Am I that old? …LOL.
I have been loyal to my career…through all the ups and downs. I have been loyal to my photographer Ed O. He did the photographs. for all my videos and dvds…with the help of photoshop, I always looked 25.
I have been loyal to my beliefs. I will discuss this in another message. I have been loyal to all the people who asked my help to lose weight. Whether they lost it or…It I was still there.
And finally……I have been loyal to me and you. I read the messages you send me and I still can’t believe your kindness. Just remember something…..when you are loyal…….you are royal.