Mirror mirror on the wall what’s that blemish which is so small? There was this strange looking bump under my right eye. I had a tube of neosporin which I would put on I the morning and the evening….it was still there. It was time to call my dermatologist.

I sat in his chair and he looked at it through a magnifying mirror. He told me he would have to scrape it and put it under the microscope. Now I am getting a little bit nervous. He comes back about 20 minutes later and says the C word. You have cancer. I asked him what kind of cancer and he said. Basel Cell Carcinoma. I told him to stop calling me dirty names. He laughed.

You have to go to a cancer doctor right away. But now that you are here I suggest you put some Botox in your forehead lines and your smile lines and let’s pump up those cheeks of yours…..I patted him on his hand and said, “Not today doctor.”

When I got home I called Dr Ralph A. Massey who was from England I waited in his waiting room and said hello to all of these people who had skin cancer as well. I was shocked to see all of the skin cancers that they had. Some had cancer on top of their heads…their face …and their neck.

The nurse said, “Dr would like to see you now Richard.” I slowly walked in this pristine room and Dr Massey came in to greet me…”I have to apologize I just finished eating lox, bagels, and onions.” He smelled like a deli. But I didn’t care I just needed his help.

He explained that he has to burn my skin to remove the cancer cells. There was no numbing it just had to be done with a small instrument. As he started burning my skin a tear dropped down my cheek. You can’t cry during this and he wiped my tear. The burning really hurt my skin. It lasted about 30 minutes. “Come back in an hour and a half and see if I got it all out.”

After driving around the city, I went back to some sad news. I didn’t get it all out. He burned my face again. This time was worse than before…It was deeper. I did not cry this time but I did grit my teeth. “Come back in another hour and a half.” ….to be continued…

