The school was modern looking with a marble lobby. The school was expensive and my parents really could not afford it. They made a deal with the school that Lenny and I could attend if we did a few jobs.

They gave me a large stick with a nail at the end. I would have to pick up the trash and empty all the trash cans. The other kids snickered, but I did not care… I was getting a good education.

All classes were taught by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. They were a little more strict than the nuns. LOL

There were some subjects that I was just not interested in. When was I ever going to use Physics? Please tell me. I told my teacher I wasn’t going to use this subject. ”Can I run errands for you?” He would say, “You are going to study and pass this class.”

Then there was Biology. One day we went to our classroom and there were little frogs that passed away…and they were in a container with a solution called formaldehyde. I told my teacher that I was allergic to that solution and would have an asthma attack. He fell for it.

My best friend in school was a nice Italian boy named Michael Taormina. We would laugh so much. Michael would invite me sometimes to his house.

He had one brother and a handful of sisters. His mother was sweet and petite and always had something cooking on the stove. I am still in contact with Michael all these years later.

Another job that I had was helping Brother Roland correct tests in his office. When Brother Roland took a break, I would change some of the scores. No one ever knew.

At the school, there was a theater and we would put on different plays every year. One year we performed A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

I played a tree. During the performance, I would slowly walk to the front of the stage so I could be closer to the audience. The audience was hysterical. Not Brother Brenden. He kept on moving his hand for me to go back to my place. God bless this brother. He is retired and still alive living in a home for retired Brothers.

I loved Brother Nicholas…he carried all of his pens in a white handkerchief that he put in his pocket. One day he dropped his handkerchief on the ground and guess who found it? Moi.

I saw him searching his pockets and he could not find the handkerchief. I raised my hand and said, “Brother Nicholas did you lose something?” He said, “I cannot find my pens.” I said, “You dropped them and I have them right here.” I said, “If I give them to you can I have an A in this class?” He broke out in laughter and I handed him his pens.

When I was a senior, I did not go to the prom. Well… I did not have a date. I was in charge of sandwiches and the punch. I saw everyone dancing. Who knew one day that I would dance my whole life?

At graduation I was told I could not graduate unless I cut my hair. No one is touching these locks…My mother pinned up my hair and on went the graduation cap. Thank God for mom. She always looked after me.

