When I awoke my left arm was in a navy blue sling. I did get a present from my doctor It was my x-ray. Just what I wanted to see. lol.

After lying in bed for a while I had to get out of the bed and walk around the floor. If someone’s door was open, I would always say hello and wave with my right hand.

I came across a very large room and I recognized the lady in the bed. It was Donna Reed. I asked if I could come in. She asked me what happened…..I told her about my fall.

I did not ask her why she was in the hospital. I asked if a I could get anything for her… and she just told me she wanted to take a nap. Sadly Ms Reed passed away. When my arm was feeling a little bit better, I went to the memorial service.

My doctor recommended a physical therapist. Her name was Margaret H. When I met her, I knew she was a no-nonsense kind of a gal. She wore a white cotton blouse with a pleated front and a beige tailored skirt. We both climbed the “dreadful” stairs up to my bedroom.

“Now,” she said, “face the wall.” I thought she was going to pat me down. lol. “With your fingers, I want you to climb up the wall like you are a spider.” I can’t tell you how this hurts…”You are not trying hard enough.” she said. I gave her some of those “looks” and I did try hard. “Now let’s do this 15 times.”

Margaret came to my house three times a week for five weeks. Every time I had to face the wall and play itsy bitsy spider.

The last time she came, I walked her down the stairs and brought her to the door. She turned to me and said…. “I know who you are. I have several of your videos. You do great work. Now be careful and don’t fall anymore or I will have to come back.” I watched her walk down the stairs and into her car. I thought about how many people she helped.

When she left, I took my shirt off and looked at the scar on my left shoulder. All I can say is I have been screwed.

