There are two subjects that people do not like to discuss. One is politics and one is religion. But I am going to break that today and talk about religion.

I was not raised in a religious household. My parents were very private about their beliefs. But they did watch Billy Graham.

Four blocks away from my house was a Catholic school called Saint Louis Cathedral School. I saw these women and they were called nuns. I had never seen a nun before in my young life.

They were dressed all in black with an accent of white starched cotton that framed their faces. They had belts on and on the belts were these small black beads held together by a silver chain and a cross at the end. “What is that called?” I asked one of my teachers.

It is called a Rosary and I pray it every day. Would you like to learn how to say it? I said, “sure.” Right there, I decided I was going to love nuns. They were holy women and nobody really touched them. Well I’ll have Nun of that. I would hug them. And when I went to class I would hold their hands.

I was the class clown and I often found them chuckling and then getting serious. One day I asked my favorite Nun, Mother Elvira, if I could see where they lived… which was the building adjacent to the school. She showed me the chapel. With life size statues of Jesus and Mary with altars and pews for the Nuns to sit there while the priests said mass.

I wanted to see more. I wanted to see where they slept. I wandered around and found one of the rooms. In the room was a small bed, a closet, and a Crucifix.

These rooms needed a make over. I know they took a vow of poverty. But… I wanted them to have a better place to sleep……to be continued …..

