I went home to announce to my parents that I wanted to become Catholic. They told me when I was 15 I could make that decision for myself.

I was faux Catholic for years. On Sunday my brother and I would go to church. What a place! My father would give Lenny and me a few quarters to place in the basket that was passed around to help the church look nice.

We also joined the choir. When I sang, the choir director Ms. Elise came up to me and said, “Why do you have to sing so loud?” So I lowered my voice to blend in.

At 15 I was baptized and confirmed on the same day. Then I had to go into an ornate box in the back of the church so I could make confession. The priest sat in the middle and I had to kneel and tell the priest my sins…I thought to myself, “How much time does this priest have?” I told him I stole a candy bar once then paid for it. I told him sometimes I drove my parents crazy. I also told him that I fought with my brother. A little bit. I had to say 20 Hail Marys and 20 Our Fathers….And I did.

Over the years, I have visited many churches and synagogues. I went to St Peter’s Basilica in Rome and once I met the Pope who liked my jacket …and I told him he could have it. He smiled and said “No thank you.”

I have been to services at a Methodist church…A Presbyterian church… and I was invited to speak at a Baptist church in downtown LA run by Reverend Cleveland. And they let me sing very loud. All the ladies wore massive hats and I told them how pretty they looked.

I would like to leave you with one more tearful story. .. One of my teachers was named Mother Theresita. She decided to leave the convent. She had no place to go.

Where did she go? Our house. She had a small suitcase with a few clothes in it. My parents gave her money and some clothes for her to wear. She went back home, got married, and had several children. I guess my parents were religious after all. I have a rosary in my kitchen. I think I will say it today.

