Richard’s Messages

Never Forget

Never forget the people who helped you when you were in low places. I met a brilliant lady, named Andrea E., who


I really want to show you a picture. But my brother, and his wife Cathy, told me that I cannot share this

Weddings, part 2

Many couples go to Las Vegas to get married in a little white chapel. Bing bang boom. It was over in a

A Phone Meeting

I am so excited my heart can’t hide it. I just had my phone meeting with a group of people who work

Weddings, part 1

Da…Da…DaDa. Da…Da….DaDa Do you know what song this is? Come on think about it…give up? The song is Here comes the bride.

A Message from Richard

You are number one! Love, Richard

books and videos!

Goodtimes also produced three books for me. The Farewell to Fat cookbook. Sweetie Pie…which was all low cal desserts and my autobiography


When was the last time you laughed? I mean a belly laugh. Maybe you were watching a tv show, or a movie,

The Biker

One time I dressed as a rough and tough biker, and went to pay Howard Stern a visit. I looked at myself