Richard’s Messages


There were greedy people in my life I finally told them to…take a hike You should really do the same They only

FoodMover…and more workouts!

I got to meet a nutritionist named Marlisa B. We decided to update the Deal a Meal Program and we called it….The

Can You Keep a Secret?

Can you keep a secret? I’m in talks with a major TV network to tell my story in a way that I

More Workouts!

I then created walking tape cassettes. I began with Take a Walk. Then I did Take a Hike. Then Walk Around the

Workout Videos

My two other favorite songs from Sweatin’ One were It’s My Party and Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. This video did so

Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel is an amazing husband and father. His son just had his third heart surgery. Please please keep Billy in your

Infomericials, part 2

American Telecast hired a company that takes the infomercial and runs it on different tv stations in the United States and Canada.

A Song for Today

On this Memorial Day, I wanted you to hear a song that I wrote. Love, Richard

Infomercials, part 1

The 1980s gave birth to infomercials. You know what they are…. Part information and part commercial. I am sure you have watched