Richard’s Messages

My Pets, part 1

I was raised to be an animal lover. I am looking at a picture of my mom and dad before Lenny and

Make It (song)

Never never……… fake it!

Tell Them Hi

Are you still in contact with people you went to school with? Let them know that we are in touch and that

My Knee, part 2

I had an idea. “I will go to the drugstore and get a knee brace.” It was nude color so maybe no

Hairdo (song)

Do you need a new hairdo….

My Knee, part 1

It was 2009…I got out of bed and my right knee was hurting. I did all my leg stretches and the pain

A Favor…

I want to ask you a favor. Jay Leno is a wonderful man. I have known him for decades. Please keep him

Derrick’s, part 3

The famous composer Henry and Ginny Mancini came in often. They invited me to their home in Malibu for brunch. “Hello my

Empty Promises (song)

Always keep your promises!