Richard’s Messages

Can You Guess?

I received a beautiful bouquet of peonies… pink roses, and white roses, in a stunning vase. I had no idea who sent

Who’d have thought?

Who ever thought that this little baby in the stroller would grow up to be….me! That’s my brother Lenny who tried to

Keeping Busy

At an early age, my parents introduced my brother and me to different things to keep us busy. The first one was

Mother’s Day

Are you a mom? Then I wish you Happy Mother’s Day! If your mom is still alive… give her a kiss for

Rachel M.

I admire many journalists. She is one of my favorites. She is not into clothes….she is not into make up…..she is not

Sam Rubin

I am so sorry to hear about my friend Sam Rubin (KTLA) going to heaven. I have known him for decades. He

Funny Boy

The name of my biopic is…Funny Boy. It starts with me selling praline candies in the French Quarter and how I developed

Talk Shows, part 5

One day I received an eight page handwritten letter written on pages from a yellow legal pad. His name was Mikey. “Please

Thank You People Magazine

Thank you, People! Love, Richard