Richard’s Messages

Derrick’s, part 2

When the phone rang, I would answer and say, “Please hold we are very busy.” Then, I would come back and say,

Derrick’s, part 1

I hope you enjoyed Friday’s message about painting a portrait of you. Now… where was I? With the money I saved working

Piece of My Heart (song)

I was inspired because my brother went to Vietnam. When he left, I was heartbroken. I wrote this for all the people

The Weekend

I do not post messages on the weekend. I thought you all could take a break from what I have to say.

Let it Slide (song)

Come slide with me!

A Portrait

Sit here and sit still…..Don’t move. I am about to paint a portrait of you. Let me start with your eyes….they are

New York, part 2

I had been on so many subways and walked so much that my feet hurt. One evening while going back to Jeff’s

New York, part 1

“Mom…Dad…I want to borrow some money. I need this money to buy a ticket to New York City and money for cab

Dancing on the Rainbow (song)

Take my hand and dance with me!