Richard’s Messages

Art / College, part 2

I liked USL. But, I wanted more. I called Uncle Milton and asked him to send me to a better college. We

Art / College, part 1

When I went to grammar school, I was given a lot of books that I would be using for class. They were

America (song)

Move over Beyoncé !

Happy Easter!

I forgot to wish you happy Easter! My parents would buy Lenny and me big chocolate Easter Bunnies. When no one was


When you were young did you play games with your family? I sure did. Pic up sticks…card games like fish and gin

The Fighter (song)

Love you Mike Tyson ! Love, Richard

My First Jobs / School, part 2

The school was modern looking with a marble lobby. The school was expensive and my parents really could not afford it. They

There’s Always Tomorrow (song)

Look forward to tomorrow! Love, Richard

My First Jobs / School, part 1

You will be very surprised to know that my first job was ……selling candy. Two blocks away from my house was a