Richard’s Messages

Howard, part 2

Part 2 Now let’s talk about Howard. He is 6’5 with curly long hair that brushed his shoulders. He would always dress

Howard, part 1

Every week I would travel to a different city for a personal appearance. I would get there a few days early so

Leonard, part 2

My father was a very intelligent man. In the morning he read the newspaper, and in the evening read Reader’s Digest. He

Leonard, part 1

He was born 1897… on March 6. He was the youngest of 7 children. I am talking about my father, Leonard. All


I have a little lump in my throat as I write this. She is one of the most powerful and adored women.

What are you worth?

What….what did you ask me? You asked me what are you worth? Well, I will tell you. You are worth more than

Segregation, part 2

I got a great response to my message yesterday. This is part two. I went to an all white grammar school… “Where

Segregation, part 1

I have to tackle a very very sensitive subject. I have a lot to say so it is going to take me


On the highway of life, we have met a few people who have impacted us…here is a story I would like to