Richard’s Messages

The Richard Simmons Show, part 3

I sit here and laugh at some of the characters that I played. I was Marlon Brando when he portrayed the Godfather,

The Richard Simmons Show, part 2

My show was ….so different I didn’t know how people would like it. It became so popular that some stations ran it

Celine Dion

Celine Dion has a voice like an angel. I met her twice . She is  having a rough time right now…..please keep

The Richard Simmons Show

The story I am going to tell you will be a bit long because I have so much to say. Here goes……

A Song I Think You’ll Enjoy!

Here is a little song I think you will enjoy.

It’s Me

I am very sad today. Some of you still don’t think it is me writing my messages or answering my emails. Others

Ding Dong

I live a few blocks away from a Catholic Church. I love to hear church bells ,Ding dong…ding dong.. this sound is


Until 2000 BC, humans told time by looking at the sun. Can you imagine? Everyone back then must have had migraine headaches

J Lo

Yo…..Yo. …. I have a glow…you know why…because I am J Lo.