Richard’s Messages

Things I’ve Signed

Over the decades I have signed many, many things…and items. I don’t know how I sitll have a left hand lol. When


My name is Bobby Champion. I am the proud father of six girls. If you are a father, or you know a


I’m Rosemary. Would you like to meet my baby?

I Hope….

I have many wonderful individuals in my life. I am so blessed. I hope you have amazing people who care about you.

Things I Don’t Understand, part 5

I don’t understand cheap people. And I know a lot of them. lol. I know some people have to be frugal with

Promise Me

Promise me… promise me….that you will never try to hurt yourself. Remember how amazing you are. And you have a wonderful life

Things I Don’t Understand, part 4

I do not understand Alzheimer’s and Dementia. I have done some research and I have watched several tv programs about these subjects.

Unauthorized Products

It has come to my attention that there are several products out there with my likeness and voice that have not been

Things I Don’t Understand, part 3

I do not understand why people are mean to animals. I was walking in the park one day. There was a little