Richard’s Messages

Challenges, Part 2

I had to wear special shoes. They were from a company called Stride Rite. They were brown and very generic looking. They

Challenges , part 1

I was born in a trunk down at Union station….oh that is a Judy Garland song. Oh I loved her so much!

I Pray (song)

Do you believe in prayer?…. I hope you enjoy this song, I Pray. Love, Richard

Fortune Tellers

Do you believe in fortune tellers? I was a little skeptical. Let me share this story with you. I heard of a

Shirley, part 2

Shirley was such a good sales lady that she won quite a few contests. The company gave my mother a full length

Aerobique (song)

I have a gift for you. I wrote many songs with my partners Chris and Kathy Phillips. Most people have never heard

Shirley, part 1

Once upon a time in a small town near Kiev a man and woman got married. They wanted a better life so

Religion, part 2

I went home to announce to my parents that I wanted to become Catholic. They told me when I was 15 I

Religion, part 1

There are two subjects that people do not like to discuss. One is politics and one is religion. But I am going