Richard’s Messages

Jane, part 2

Bruce Roberts was a very private person and I was never invited to his home. I remember driving by his house and

Anne Murray

I was honored to be on Anne Murray’s special.  We danced to Wake Up and then Ms Murray and I sang a song


There is nothing plain about this Jane…more about her later. The story starts with Henry Fonda.He was an amazing actor. I remember

Last Night’s Chat

We had a great chat. Some people didn’t believe it was me. Well who else could it be? Some in the chat

The Richard Simmons Show, part 5

This is the last message in the Richard Simmons show saga. The first year I was on we were nominated for Emmy

A Message from Richard 7/1/24

GIve me a kiss! Love, Richard

Chat Tonight! 7/1/24

Will you join me tonight in chat? Yes, I’m going to be there! I want to talk to you all before July

How to Use the Chat Room

To use the chat room, you must be a registered clubhouse member at (it’s free). If you aren’t already registered, visit

The Richard Simmons Show, part 4

Part 4 I also invited other men and women who lost a lot of weight. They would bring a pair of their