Silver Foxes, part 4

Part 4 When it was time to go to bed, I walked Shirley into her room. I could tell she was a bit exhausted. She changed into her pajamas. I pulled her bedspread down and fluffed her pillow. I would kneel at the edge of the bed and rub her feet and her legs. Then […]
Silver Foxes, part 3

Part 3 There was only one more spot in the video… was my mom. Shirley has danced all of her life. I think she came out of my grandmother’s womb dancing. She danced all over the country. She was known for an unusual act called the devil and the lady. She put one hand in […]
Silver Foxes, part 2

Part 2 Wait…. I had an idea. I wanted to see if we could get parents of famous actors and actresses. I was surprised to see how many parents wanted to be in this workout. The first person was Pauline Fawcett. She is the mother of two girls . The one you would know is […]
Chat Tonight! 7/8/24

Hello everyone. Oh it’s so hot here! I have a nice glass of water with plenty of ice. I wonder who created ice? I am excited to be in chat with you this evening. I always look forward to spending time with all of you. I will answer as many questions as I can with my good friend […]
Silver Foxes

Stuart Karl began his life as a competitive California surfer. He was very good looking and his blonde hair had been touched by the sun. Mr Karl had quite a few careers. One was selling waterbeds. Once I was doing a personal appearance and they put me up in a big hotel that looked like […]
Peace and Love

Peace to all of you and remember…All you need is love. Love, Richard

My name is Marion. I just checked into the Bates Motel. I am going to take a nice hot shower. Love, Richard
Chat 7/8/24

Guess what? I have exciting news to share with you. I’ll be holding another chat on Monday July 8, 2024. Some who come to the chat still don’t believe it’s me. So maybe you shouldn’t come. Try another Richard to do a chat with like Richard Gere, Richard Dean Anderson, or the singer and songwriter Richard […]
Jane, part 3

My phone rang again and Ms Jane Fonda asked me if I would be part of a fundraiser that she was doing in Atlanta, Georgia . It was to raise money to get PE back into the school system, in a big way. I immediately said yes. The night before the fundraiser there was a […]
The Bonnie Hunt Show

I had so much fun visiting my friend Bonnie Hunt on her show. Promise me you won’t laugh too much. Love, Richard